Friday, June 5, 2015

Katie Rose: A Word from an MKC Summer Intern

By Katie Rose, MKC communications intern

Within the first hour of driving into McPherson, I was greeted with a torrential downpour and a tornado warning. Now, being from Texas and attending Oklahoma State University, I was not unfamiliar to either of these things, but my hope for the summer was it would not be like this storm, scary and overwhelming. Luckily, it has been nothing of the sorts.
As the MKC communications summer intern, I have been met with many fun and exciting projects which I cannot wait to dive further into. From working on blog posts to posting graphics on the MKC Facebook page, it has been nothing but busy and awesome. The first day I spent at the Moundridge office, I was greeted by a welcoming and friendly staff. They have all been incredibly helpful and very willing to lend a hand when needed, especially when it comes to the office printer.
My summer will include a great overview of the role a communications department plays within a cooperative. Some of the writing projects I will be working on this summer include articles and stories for the MKC Connections newsletter, blog posts, and the employee newsletter, which I will be leading for the June and July issues. I will also be expanding my design skill set, and have already been busy creating Flush Flash and Fact Friday graphics. If you happened to see the interns on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter recently, I was the one behind the camera documenting our outings. One responsibility I have not had much experience with but am excited for the opportunity to be involved with is the planning and preparation of the 50th Annual MKC Stockholders’ Meeting in July.
I am excited to be able to work with my mentors Kerry Watson, MKC Director of Communications, and Nichole Gouldie, MKC communications specialist. They both know their stuff and I could not be happier to be under their guidance. I am also very thankful for their patience with all the questions and help thus far.
What I hope to gain from this experience, besides understanding the role a communicator plays, also is to attain a deeper understanding of this sector of agriculture and all the pieces required for it to properly function and thrive. I hope I am able to help MKC as much as they will help shape my future and skills this summer. I am very excited to see what the summer holds and what I will be able to learn from this internship experience.
Katie Rose
MKC Communications Intern

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